Should I Wear A Bike Helmet?

To wear a helmet or not to wear a helmet, that is the question. And it is one that is increasingly being asked as of late. The rate of biking in America has long been on the rise, with millions of Americans picking up cycling as a regular habit over the last few years. However,

Improved Bicycle Infrastructure Necessary to Avoid Post-Pandemic Gridlocks

More and more countries are loosening their coronavirus lockdown restrictions. While this news is terrific, there is a new problem on the horizon, and leaders must address it immediately. With relaxed lockdown rules, people are returning to their regular routines, and countries are experiencing lengthy traffic congestion worse than the pre-pandemic era. From Austin to

L.A.’s Two-Way Bike Lanes

Bicycling is a popular and eco-friendly mode of transportation in Los Angeles and nationwide. Unfortunately, the popularity of cycling means that even more people are at risk of being injured in a bike accident. Legislators have taken notice and are coming up with creative ways to ensure that cycling is safe and enjoyable for everyone.

10 Ways to Stay Safe While Cycling

For nearly a decade, the number of bicycle accident deaths declined. However, recent studies show that bicycle accident deaths are increasing. In fact, fatal bike accidents are outpacing all other traffic-related deaths. In other words, it’s a dangerous time to ride a bike in the United States. Statistics reported by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association